School Nurse
Gerri-Lynn Szamocki, RN
School Nurse
Oxford High School
(508) 987-6081 ext 35107
Unsure when to send your student to school?
Review these guidelines from the Oxford School nurses and National Association of School Nurses.
Covid-19 Updates:
If your student is fever free without medication for 24 hours, they may return to school. Masking is optional, but advised by CDC and MDPH.
Flu season is just around the corner. Consider vaccinating your students to prevent loss time at school.

Attention Parents of 10th grade students:
It is necessary that your student has a physical within the past 12 months. Please mail or fax your child's physical form.
All students at the age of 16 are required to have a second Meningococcal Vaccine.
Thank you!